Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Popcorn Trees

We are already starting to see the signs of Spring. One of the many great things about living in fabulous Las Vegas. As the weather warms the blossom are appearing on all the trees. Sydney asked me last week about the "Popcorn Trees", referring to one of her favorite songs that says " I looked out the window and what did I see? Popcorn popping on the apricot tree. Spring has brought such a nice surprise. Blossoms popping right before my eyes..." I explained how the song came about but she insisted on planting some of our popcorn kernels from our pantry. Alex and her planted them EVERYWHERE! We have about 6 spots in the backyard (carefully labeled so the landscapers don't ruin them) and in cups in all our window sills. The girls never miss a day of watering their plants and patiently await their popcorn tree.(I just don't have the heart to tell them it's not gonna happen).
Today, Sydney came running to me very excited and showed me that the 3 kernels she planted were now sprouting and growing in her one of her cups! I was shocked!!
It makes sense that corn grows from corn seeds but I figured these have been processed and wouldn't grow.
I shall keep you all updated on the progress :)